
Resolution 2025-01 Rural Task Force Project

2024-01 Resolution to Establish a Request for funding

Resolution 2023-01 Authorizing Chief Admistrative Officer to file Claim for Grant Payment for Protecting MI Pension Grant Program

Resolution 2202-03 for Economic Development Corporation Redevelopment Ready Communities Program

Resolution 2202-02 Welcome Home Veterans Properties, LLC.

Resolution 2022-01 for Special Assessment for Waste

Resolution 2021-10 Receiving Clerks Report for Proposed Special Assessment

Resolution 2021-09 Credit Account with Trace Analytical

Resolution 2021-08 Rescinded

Resolution 2021-07 Receiving Clerks Report and Scheduling Public Hearing for Proposed Special Assessment

Resolution 2021-06 Special Assessment

Resolution 21-05 -Remote Meetings

Resolution 2021-04 M Dot Contract No 21-5095

Resolution 2021-03 Maple St Grant 2022

Resolution 2020-03 Durand Youth Football Charitable Gaming Licenses

Resolution 2020-02 Welcome Home Veterans INC Escrow

Resolution 2020-01 M Dot Grant

Resolution 2019-05 Setting Water Rates and Charging Method

Resolution 2019-04 Setting Fines for Violation of Ordinance # 298-19

Resolution 2019-03 Village Credit Card(s)

Resolution 2019-02 Fire Insurance Withholdng Program

Resolution 2019-01 Records Retention Schedule

Resolution 2018-05 Credit Account Sunbelt Rental

Resolution 2018-4 Resolution setting fines for violation of Ordinance 294-18

Resolution 2018-3 Approving loan from equipment fund for police vehicle

Resolution 2018-2 Adjusting terms of Village Trustees Election

Resolution 2018-1 Resolution expanding planning commission from 5 to 7 members

Resolution 2017-3 Resolution of intent to create Village Downtown Development Authority

Resolution 2017-2 Shiawassee County Hazard Mitigation Plan

Resolution 2017-1 Village of Bancroft Master Plan

Resolution-Water Fees

Resolution 2016-5

Resolution 2016-4

Resolution 2016-3

Resolution 2016-2 – Resolution on Submission of Rural Task Force Project

Resolution 2016-1- Resolution on Pending Sale of Former Wilbur Bills Elementary School

Resolution-Maintain Roads
